Here you will find a listing of the lodges within the 50th Masonic District of Pennsylvania. Use the map below to find the closest lodge to you. You can also click on the lodge listed to be taken to the page for that lodge.
Lodge Name | No. | Address | Meets |
Portland | 311 | 112 Division St, Portland, PA 18351 | 2nd Thursday, 7:30pm |
Barger | 325 | Rimrock Masonic Center, 2720 Rimrock Rd, Bartonsville, PA 18360 | 1st Tuesday, 7:30pm |
Manoquesy | 413 | 221 Penn St, Bath, PA 18014 | 2nd Thursday, 7:30pm |
Pen Argyl | 594 | 20 W Main St, Pen Argyl, PA 18072 | 1st Thursday, 7:30pm |
Whitfield | 622 | 42 S Seventh St, Tatamy, PA 18085 | 2nd Monday, 7:30pm |
J. Simpson Africa | 628 | Rimrock Masonic Center, 2720 Rimrock Rd, Bartonsville, PA 18360 | 4th Wednesday, 7:30pm |
Pocono | 780 | 282 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326 | 2nd Wednesday, 7:30pm |
Hamilton Day | 814 | Rimrock Masonic Center, 2720 Rimrock Rd, Bartonsville, PA 18360 | 3rd Thursday, 10:30am |